
作者: 时间:2019-03-04 点击数:






Email- huangzhen@hkang100.com




发表学术论文、会议论文100 余篇,其中SCI 收录40 多篇,4篇论文还被所发表杂志列为“被同行下载参考最多的25篇论文之一”,论文他引1000次以上,授权发明专利18项Journal of Membrane SciencesSeparation and Purification TechnologyMicroporous and mesoporous MaterialsIndustrial and Engineering Chemistry Research和农业工程学报等20多种国内外学术杂志担任论文评审工作。

[1] Yu-hua Hao, Zhen Huang*, Jing-wen Wang, Xin-yu Yang, Xing-yue Fan, Ya-il Li, Yu-wen Peng, Improved thermal stability of poly (L-lactide) with the incorporation of zeolite ZSM-5, Polymer Testing 49 (2016) 4656. 

[2] Zhen Huang*, Qiao-qiao Ye, Li-jun Teng. A comparison study on thermal decomposition behavior of poly (L-lactide) with different kinetic models, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 119(2015) 2015–2027.

[3] Zhen Huang*, Xiao-han Shi, Wei-juan Jiang, Theoretical models for supercritical fluid extraction, Journal of Chromatography A 1250 (2012) 2– 26.

[4] Zhen Huang*, Li Xu, Jing-huan Li, Amine extraction from hexagonal mesoporous silica materials by means of methanol-enhanced supercritical CO2: Experimental and modelling, Chemical Engineering Journal 166 (2011) 461–467.

[5] Zhen Huang*, Yan Shi, Rui Wen, Yu-hua Guo, Jun-feng Su, T. Matsuura, Multilayer poly(vinyl alcohol)-zeolite 4A composite membranes for ethanol dehydration by means of pervaporation, Separation and Purification Technology 51(2006) 126-136. 

[6] Zhen Huang*, Yi Li, Rui Wen, May May Teoh, Santi Kulprathipanja, Enhanced gas separation properties by using nanostructured PES-zeolite 4A mixed matrix membranes, Journal of  Applied Polymer Science 101(2006) 3800-3805. 

[7] Zhen Huang*, Huai-min Guan, Wee Lee Tan, Xiang-yi Qiao, Santi Kulprathipanja, Pervaporation study of aqueous ethanol solution through zeolite-incorporated multilayer poly(vinyl alcohol) membranes: Effect of zeolites, Journal of Membrane Science 276(2006) 260–271.  

[8] Zhen Huang*, Ge-biao Sun, Yee C. Chiew, S. Kawi, Formation of ultrafine aspirin particles through rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS), Powder Technology 160(2005) 127-134. 

[9] Zhen Huang, W.D. Lu, S. Kawi, Y. C. Chiew, Solubility of aspirin in supercritical carbon dioxide with/without acetone, Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 49(2004) 1323-1327.

[10] Zhen Huang, S. Kawi, Y. C. Chiew, Solubilities of cholesterol and its esters in supercritical carbon dioxide with/without cosolvents, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 30 (2004) 25-39.







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